Netflix gears up for Stranger Things finale with Goosebumps-style posters

Commissioned by Netflix to visualise each episode thus far, illustrator Butcher Billy is ringing in the nail-biting finale with spoiler-free posters.

1 July 2022

This season, Stranger Things has outdone itself with marketing visuals. Whether you look to the incredible character posters that teased the introduction of the series – resembling the painterly style of releases like Empire Strikes Back – or this week’s posters in celebration of the season’s close, Netflix is keeping things illustrative. With volume two of series four launching today on Netflix (!), refresh yourself on plot points and stave off the urge to spoiler search with the latest work from Butcher Billy.

Commissioned by Netflix to produce a total of nine posters (one for each episode), the Brazilian artist and graphic designer has delivered work befitting the season’s scarier slant. Although, rather than opting for full-blown horror, the illustrator leans into the skewed perspective and approachable eeriness more likely to be found on a copy of Goosebumps or an early Stephen King.

The similarities to vintage book illustrations don’t end there. Just as a children’s horror novel cover had to tease the story without revealing plot points, Butcher Billy has produced a selection of (largely) spoiler-free images for those who have, somehow, avoided tuning in so far. While the illustrator works digitally, his penchant for “creative concepts of the 70s, 80s and 90s” and the “imperfections of the pre-web era”, as described by his agent Illustration X on its site, make the final result a commission made in heaven.

A selection of Butcher Billy’s Stranger Things posters is currently available for purchase from Netflix’s online shop, alongside some real-life Hellfire Club t-shirts. The final two posters of the series for episodes eight and nine, mysteriously titled Papa and The Piggyback, are yet to launch on the official Stranger Things Instagram – so keep your eyes peeled.

GalleryButcher Billy: Stranger Things 4 (Copyright © Netflix via Twitter @NetflixGeeked, 2022)

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Butcher Billy: Stranger Things 4 (Copyright © Netflix via Twitter @NetflixGeeked, 2022)

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Liz Gorny

Liz (she/they) is associate editor at Insights, a research-driven department within It's Nice That. They previously ran the news section of the website. Get in contact with them for potential Insights collaborations or to discuss Insights’ fortnightly column, POV.

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