Super special new work from illustrator Baptiste Virot
There’s something very pleasing about illustrator Baptiste Virot’s ability to flip from one style to its polar opposite – like he’s still working out what his work might grow to look like, and he’s more than happy to let us watch the process as he plays.
A master of half-tone and all printing techniques required to successfully use it, he’s a dab hand with his own unique, dynamic breed of image-making, in which Pop Art, cartoon and comic strip references all have their part to play. Equally, though, newer work has seen him toy with sketches in which the slightest curve in a thick, understated outline can turn the meaning of the image on its head. Together, this amalgamation of styles is irresistible, demonstrating the breadth of Baptiste’s ability as well as his willingness to experiment. May the commissions roll in.
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
Baptiste Virot: Untitled
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.