An update from illustrator Alexander Medel Calderón
There’s a special place in my heart reserved for Alexander Medel Calderón’s illustrations – a place furnished with inflatable chairs filled with tiny polystyrene balls and purple lava lamps, like any self-respecting child of the 90s’ bedroom was. His bold illustration echoes Microsoft WordArt of yesteryear, except slightly more debased; imagine if the Word paperclip got drunk and smoked a bunch of weed with the Microsoft window and it all descended into a big, filthy, fun mess of primary colours. Since we last checked in he’s topped up his portfolio with a bunch more design-cum-illustration and designed some clothing with his trademark faces for Lazy Oaf’s impressive stand at Pick Me Up earlier this year.
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
Alexander Medel Calderón: Untitled
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.